Parenting Courses

To meet the growing needs of women and their families, Parent Rescue has added classes for Expectant and New Parents. We have designed Programs that offer classes for Pregnancy and Birth Education, Fitness and Breastfeeding Support.

We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with the Educational Programs and services offered by Parent Rescue. Parent Rescue is committed to helping you and your family get off to the best start.

Our classes are led by trained professional staff and consist of group discussions, activities, demonstrations and films.

We offer several classes, with class sizes limited to ensure personal attention. We strongly recommend registering early to allow for alternate class dates.

Hypnobirthing Classes

hypnobirthingExperience an easier, more comfortable birthing experience in this two week series. Learn techniques that help you eliminate the fear and tension that cause pain in birthing, including relaxation and self- hypnosis. Replace fear and tension that cause long labor and pain with confidence, calm and comfort.


2013 Hypnobirthing Classes

10 hours over 2 consecutive Saturdays.

Training Location: Melbourne

» Register Here

Breastfeeding Couples Classes

baby breastfeedingBreastfeeding Couples class is a two-hour Class for Expectant and New Parents. Learn the Basics of Breastfeeding, including benefits of breastfeeding, beginning Breastfeeding Techniques, proper latch-on, Infant Feeding cues, positioning, how to establish a good milk supply, changes in milk composition and information on renting or purchasing breast pumps and nursing bras. Understand more of what to  expect with  breastfeeding and
where to turn for advice and guidance.


2013 Breastfeeding Couples Classes

Training Location: Melbourne

» Register Here

Basic Parenting Classes

happy baby hiding under towelBasic Parenting covers the basic care for newborns. This is an excellent class for first-time parents. Come learn the ins and outs of caring for your new baby. The Parenting Class covers topics which include parenting skills such as general care of the newborn, diapering, swaddling, clothing, bathing, feeding, infant safety, immunizations, methods for soothing a fussy baby, and issues related to parental adjustments to life with a newborn. There will be an additional class in the series, a reunion class, held once the baby arrives.


2010 Basic Parenting Classes

2 hours on consecutive Saturdays, 4 hours in total.

Training Location: Melbourne

» Register Here

Infant/Child CPR Classes

learning infant CPRInfant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) teaches basic infant resuscitation to parent. Excellent for grandparents and caretakers too! We will be teaching techniques to resuscitate infants should they stop breathing or their heart stop beating, as well as relief of choking. The class is taught by a certified instructor. Each participant will receive cpr faceshield, thermal blanket, certificate and a reference book.


2013 Infant/Child CPR Classes

Training Location: Melbourne

» Register Here

Siblings Classes

involving other siblingsGetting your child ready for the role of "Big Brother" or "Big Sister" isn't always easy. This unique class is for children of any age. New brothers and sisters are created when your next baby is born. We teach children about what their new baby brother or sister will look like, explain ways that they can be helpful to their parents when the baby arrives, and foster and reinforce their feelings of self-worth.


2013 Sibling Classes

Training Location: Melbourne

» Register Here

Infant Massage Classes

mother massaging her babyAs a parent, loving relative or caregiver of an infant, you want to see your child flourish. This course teaches the basic massage techniques (oil included). Touch is as important as food for healthy mental and physical development, a fact clearly supported by both ancient tradition and contemporary research. For fathers, massage offers a special opportunity to develop ease and intimacy with their children. Bring a towel and a blanket.


2013 Infant Massage Classes

Training Location: Melbourne

» Register Here